
Đời Là Vô Thường

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Yes, we are here, always, at this moment. Allow and accept it as what it is, no more or less. With great lost, illness, and death, ..., let's try to accept it with grace; with the awareness of the impermanent nature of all life forms. With more and more practice of this kind of perspectives, hopefully, we can get closer and closer to our deeper inner peace.
To be born, to get old, to get ill, and then to die is the universal life journey for all species on earth including human being.  Through the understanding of the impermanent nature of all life forms might help us a bit easier when facing death.  

I, sometimes, experience a kind of 'die of a little death' after my children leaving home, after a long vacation, after a gathering of friends or family reunion.  Often this leaves behind a feeling of emptiness that most of us try not to feel, not to face.  

I'm still learning hard to accept and even to welcome all those kinds of the endings of life events; learning to turn the uncomfortable feeling of emptiness into a sense of inner spaciousness that is deeply peaceful and open to life.

Thanks for sharing.

Peace to each and all of you. 
Minh & Anh

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